The past few years have been well-known for livestock diseases such as foot-and-mouth disease, swine fever and bird flu to name a few.
It is of cardinal importance to ensure that proper and effective on-farm biosecurity is implemented and adhered to at all times in the prevention and or control of any disease outbreak.

Managing the Risks of Contamination
The regulation and transport of livestock across farm borders still remain a pertinent risk as experienced in the industry during the past few years. It is thus crucial to ensure that effective and efficient precautionary measures are put in place by making use of registered and well-researched disinfectants as part of you on-farm biosecurity. Implementing a biosecurity program will ensure that risks are kept to a minimum, promote optimal growth and efficiency in the industry, limiting any losses to a minimum.
NutroChem has You Covered
With NutroChem’s innovative biosecurity programmes clients can be assured of optimal growth, low mortality rates and lowered quarantine exposure. With the application of the effective combination of active ingredients in our unique specialized chemicals, a synergy of 2 actives is obtained giving the effect of 3 actives. With a low dosage of as little as 2ml/l of water an adhesive is formed giving protection for a period of time as indicated by the product specifications – thus giving you the necessary protection security in the health of your livestock.
Get in Touch With Us
Contact any of the NutroChem Agents or Hygiene Specialist for more information.