Personal hygiene is beneficial to everyone’s health. The workplace environment needs to be hygienic and safe for all employees and visitors – even those not involved in production or material / product handling processes.

NutroChem assist clients by adding value to personal hygiene in the workplace by providing the necessary protocol for effective hygiene. NutroChem provides training on Personal Hygiene with guidance on the correct use of products. Personal Hygiene is extremely important in the prevention of illness and the spreading of bacteria and viruses.
A basic regular hand washing routine is an effective way of keeping germs from spreading and limits the risk of affecting other people.
NutroChem provides a “6-Steps of Hand Hygiene Principles”:
Wet your hands
Apply liquid soap
Lather and Scrub for 20 sec, by washing between your fingers, under your nails and on top of your hands.
Rinse for 10 sec under running water
Dry your hands
Apply alcohol-based hand sanitiser
The above principle is enhanced by the effective use of the quality chemical products manufactured by NutroChem. These chemicals are manufactured in an ISO 9001:2015 facility; certified and assessed to comply to the SANS 1828 and EN 1276 standards.
An improvement in overall health is directly related to good personal hygiene routines.
The 6 Personal Hygiene Routines:
Toilet Hygiene – wash hands after use.
Body Hygiene – regular bodily hygienic practices such as showering or bathing daily.
Food Hygiene – washing hands prior to eating, before and after food preparation and not contaminating utensils used in preparation.
Oral Hygiene – Brushing teeth helps keep gums and teeth healthy.
Considerate Hygiene – Covering your nose and mouth when sneezing and limit personal contact when ill.
Clothing Hygiene – Washing clothes and hanging in direct sunlight to dry will limit the spread of germs.
Poor hygiene can be a sign of self-neglect, which is the inability or unwillingness to attend to one’s personal needs. Poor hygiene often accompanies certain mental or emotional disorders, including severe depression and psychotic disorders.
Should you be infected or contaminated by any germs or viruses, this should be attended to by a registered medical practitioner as soon as possible.
Maintaining good hygienic routines helps to increase or enhance your personal well-being and have a huge impact on your mental health. This affects how others perceive you and can influence your confidence levels and self-esteem which influences all aspects of your personal and work life.
Personal Hygiene “Safety Tips”
Never use solvents to clean your hands. Thoroughly wash your hands by using soap and water before eating and after using the restroom. Cover your mouth when sneezing or coughing. Wear clean clothing and ensure that uniforms worn are washed regularly and only worn in the workplace to avoid contamination. Dirty clothes should not be worn again until properly washed with the required detergents. All open wounds, even the small cuts, should be thoroughly washed and cleaned with disinfectant solution and covered as needed.
Hand washing is essential for a happy, healthy life. Don’t pass the bug, make handwashing a must.