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Doctor Hoof

Copper dinitrate based foot bath

Doctor Hoof is a copper dinitrate based foot bath solution. It is applied at a high dilution and is more effective and user friendly than formalin and other copper alternatives. It is very soluble, easily applied and mixed because of its liquid form and is the ideal way to introduce critical hoof hardening agents directly to a herd’s hooves. It does not contain any unwanted formalin or QAC’s.

The cutting-edge technology employed in Doctor Hoof promotes increased contact of beneficial components with hooves. This together with the advantages of copper dinitrate makes Doctor Hoof stand out from other copper-based treatments.

Why choose Doctor Hoof

  • Copper dinitrate – highly soluble.

  • Enhanced clinging technology.

  • Essential hoof hardening composition.

  • Low in use dilution.

  • Not known to bioaccumulate

Available pack sizes

  • Poly Cans: 25 Litre

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